Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Period 11 Blog #16

Your comment post should be  at least 300 words this week due Thursday by 11:59 pm (worth 70 points) and you will be responsible for responding (respectfully) to one of your classmates in at least a one paragraph reply entries by Sunday at 11:59 pm (worth 30 points).

"Children often have a much stronger concept of morality than adults."           -   Nina Bawden

-What do you think this quote means? Explain a situation in which this quote would prove to be true and explain why it proves the point?

- What does this quote mean to you? Give an example from your life, Film or Literature where you have seen this idea apply. Explain using specific examples. 


  1. "Children often have a much stronger concept of morality than adults."- Nina Bawden. I think this quote can mean a lot of things and I think that children actually has a stronger concept of morality. The reason why I think that is because usually Adults don’t sit down and make decisions while kids they have to think to their self since they are not adults yet they gotta think about the decisions they're making. That is why they understand it more. For example, If a child’s toy was broken, the child would cry over it and want to get a new one. The child’s parents on the other hand can probably fix it and don’t have a stronger concept of morality. The child was deciding whether or not the toy was gonna get fixed or getting a new one. So from that you can tell that the kid was making a bigger decision than the parents. Another example that actually happened to me in real life. Once when i was 8 my cat had a type of cancer and he needed to get surgery which was a lot of money to get the surgery. At the time it was either to put the cat to sleep or get surgery. Since it was a lot of money my parents were deciding to put the cat to sleep but I was crying and was deciding if this was the right thing to do and if we should just get the surgery. In the end you can tell that children have a stronger concept of morality and they can see the decisions. As you can see that is what I think Nina Bawden meant by children having a stronger sense of morality and that they understand it more then other people and adults.

    1. I think Kyle did a great job on his response to this quote. I like his opinion on this topic and he supported it well. I also like his real-life example that he used with his cat having a type of cancer. Over all I think he did a bang-up job, very nice.

  2. "Children often have a much stronger concept of morality than adults." This is a great quote by Nina Bawden. I think this quote means that kids can sometimes know how to behave the correct way when adults do not. For example, some kids can behave better because they don’t know as many things as adults do. Some adults don’t act like adults. When kids are in school, they can get in trouble for so much as breaking a pencil or something. This teaches them to behave. Adults can only really get in trouble by breaking a law or not following a rule at their job. Adults can break pencils all they want and not get in trouble, but kids can’t. Kids will behave more because they know they will get in trouble if they do something wrong. Personally, I think this quote means that kids are smarter than what we take them for. Kids know what's right and wrong most of the time. An example from my life can be, well when I was a kid. I got in trouble once for coloring a picture with a crayon too hard. I hated getting in trouble, so I always behaved. Most kids don’t like getting in trouble, so they have to know what is right and what is wrong. As kids get older, they realize they can now do things they couldn’t do before and not get in trouble. I think this is why adults “misbehave” sometimes. For example, getting drunk. I believe getting drunk is wrong and childish. If it’s childish, why do adults do it? Kids can’t drink and most of the time they think drinking is wrong. That’s a good thing, but when they get older they can drink and don’t control themselves. This is a very good quote by Nina Bawden. I think everyone should listen to this quote.

    1. Although your view on morality seems to be right in your own thoughts, I like to think that morality is rather motivation to be able to accomplish something. Like if someone has high morality, they are more motivated to accomplish the work given to them. As for one with low morality they do not finish the work as fast or at all.

  3. Nina Bawden once said "Children often have a much stronger concept of morality than adults." First of all morality is what you believe is right and wrong. A child doesn't see the world the same way an adult does. They don't have the ability to think about all the scenarios or reasons why something happened. Adults on the other hand can think of a million reasons good or bad why something happened. For example if a kid heard that someone stole from a store they would automatically say that's bad. Whereas an adult who can understand the story a Little better might understand that the kid is homeless and has 4 siblings and both parents are working 2-3 jobs trying to stay in semi shape and none of the kids really get to see there parents. This might cause the parent to cut them some slack and think a lot about the situation. Therefore the kid goes straight to the point, he stole that’s wrong and that is the kids’ moral decision.

    1. Krista did a good job : ) i like thew example she used :) good job krista.... Krista did a good job!

  4. Nina Bawden once said "Children often have a much stronger concept of morality than adults." What I think that this quote means is that children care more about their objects and things more than adults do. What I also think that this quote means is that children have a better understanding of what they hold possession of than adults because they did not have the stuff that we have today that is new when they had been kids along time ago. A situation that can relate to this quote is like a kid getting a PS4 and after a few years it breaks because it had been wet from water spilling on it. This would then make the kid be very upset. Though the parents would not really care they would just maybe buy the kid to get another one with his money again or they will just get it for him for a special surprise one day. An example from my life is like when I lost connection all the time everyday to my PS3. I had cared the most about it and it is still down today. Though my parents try to help a little bit but not really. This is how I think that this quote can relate to my life and what it really means.

  5. Nina Bawden once said "Children often have a much stronger concept of morality than adults." What I think this quote means is that children catch on with things much quicker than adults and they tend to remember it if it is important things like well morals. An example of this can actually be found in a conversation I was having with my cousin. We were discussing the topic of stealing for survival (this scenario is not during an apocalypse and it is still illegal to steal). It proves a point because stealing is a very discussed topic and should not be done no matter the circumstances. What this quote means to me is that the reason why children, about my age usually, have better morals than adults, about 18+, because our parents teach them to us and we learn them from either from past experiences or our parents. An example of this is what morals I learn from my parents for topics such as abortion, stealing, drugs etc. A specific example was in a book I read about a boy growing up in the "ghetto" part of Detroit. He had to decide whether to stick with his childhood best friend, about 2-5 years older than him, who was slowly moving into the illegal drug distribution business or growing up and eventually turning into a successful business man and leave his old friend behind. The main character had a lot of weight on his shoulders between these two decisions not only was it moral but it meant that this decision would decide his future and what the rest of his life would be like. He did choose the morally correct choice and his friend wound up doing time behind bars. He was technically still a "kid" in this situation and so this proves the point of kids having a better idea of morality than most or some adults.

    1. alex did a good job. Good job alex

  6. “Children often have a much stronger concept of morality than adults”- Nina Bawden. i think this quote means that kids know that they have to act a certain way to stay respectful to their parents or elders in general. For example, kids are always wanting to make their parents proud of them. so a that kid will stop at nothing to achieve that goal, but first they have to think about the morals their parents taught them. An example is, lets say a son and his father are going to shoprite to pick up a few things. As the two are walking in the doors little timmy sees an older gentleman pushing his wife in a wheelchair. Thinking about what his morals timmy's parents taught him, he remembers that his father said hold a door for someone no matter what. And to just do it at the kindness of your heart. So little timmy holds the door for the two older couple. He gets greeted and thanked by the couple and the couple approach timmys father saying, you taught him well. Timmys father was so happy for his son and also proud of himself knowing he taught timmy well and his son is doing as he's told or taught for that matter. In conclusion, kids are always going to have a stronger concept of morality than adults because, they want to show their parents that for one they're listening, and two that they want to make their parents happy and proud.

    1. Even though I took this quote from a slight different perspective then Elena, I think she did a fabulous job on her comment. I can see the way you took the quote. I agree that kids are taught they have to be respectful to their parents and elders and want to make their parents proud. I know I did when I was a kid. I liked your short situation example. It really played the role of this quote's meaning. I thought it was clever to have the child keep the door open for people. When I was writing my comment, I did not think of that. Elena did a very good job on her comment.

  7. "Children often have a much stronger concept of morality than adults." - Nina Bawden. I am one to say that this is both true and false. Reasons being that adults understand morality more than children would. One, if you are older and have a basic concept on morality, you can tell whether it’s there or it isn’t. For an example, working conditions can affect morality of the employees depending on if they are great or not. Most children are rather happy when they are young there for not having morale issues. This could be lowered if they are in grade school and their learning environment. To me, I am happy with what I can work with. I am mostly an optimistic person, not meaning that im happy every single second of the day, meaning that I am mostly happy. So my morale is mostly high when it comes down to working at school or at a job. As long as I can suit my basic needs and have the necessary tools or equipment to actually do the work, morale isn’t a problem for me. Some people need morale to move on though. Whether it’s over work or even over social problems or challenges. Some people look at and depend on morale to boost them through a challenge or to make friends even. For some people it could take an immense amount of confidence and morale. Many people don’t even know about it or don’t even think it could be affecting them at any moment, but they’re wrong for it could change at any second at any time. Although morale is a small issue in most situations, it can affect people to slow them down while at work or even just trying to think on how to solve any problem at any time.

    1. I think that aaron did very good on using descriptive details and examples. Excellent job aaron :)

  8. "Children often have a much stronger concept of morality than adults."- Nina Bawden. I think that this quote means that children know more about what is right and wrong than adults do. A situation where this proves right is when there is a fight between two people the fight between the children would be better because they would probably be less long because it would probably be over something stupid and they would recognize that. Then they would stop fighting. But, if it was an adult most of them would continue fighting until the other one admitted they were wrong. To me this quote means that children have a better understanding of morality and that adults should learn from their children because they obviously know way more about right and wrong then adults do. An example from a movie that relates to this quote is from the movie Lion King 2 where Nala trusts the other lions but Simba still doesn’t and it is only till later on in the movie where he learns from his daughter and trusts the other lions. An example from my life is when I was 7 I was friends with a friend who’s parents weren’t good people and my parents didn’t want me to be friends with her because of what her parents did. But, I was like you can’t judge her based on what her parents did because this girl ws absolutely nothing like her parents she was a really good, nice person. Later on my parents found out that she was different and not like her parents….
    "Children often have a much stronger concept of morality than adults."- Nina Bawden

    1. I thought her writing was very good. It really made me feel intrigued with the writing all in all she really went into good detail about this quote.

  9. "Children often have a much stronger concept of morality than adults." - Nina Bawden. I believe this quote is saying that children in most cases tend to have more of a sense of what is right and what is wrong. No one is born with bad nature but rather just learn it through the world we live in whether it is through our own personal experience, or being taught to us through older strong role models in our life. Back in the early 1900's of this country, segregation and racism were at and all time high in this country. The older people due to the roots of our country had these prejudice roots in them. The next generation didn't just grow up with these racist traits because they know that everyone is the same regardless of the color of their skin. The only reason that this lasted so long was because they were taught by their parents and they have seen how the rest of the country at the time was treating them. To me this quote I really agree with the author. His quote really means allot to me at this age this quote can affect many people but I really love children and it really applies to that I think. All in all I agree with the author and this quote one hundred and ten percent it was really persuasive and very heart warming.

  10. Nina Bawden once said, "Children often have a much stronger concept of morality than adults." The reason behind this is that young kids go to school five days a week for countless amounts of years and are taught to be honest, respectful and to have good character. Children learn about morals their entire childhood. Parents, teachers, and guardians all believe kids should be happy and not know about the cruelty of the outside world. They are not exposed to the harmful things in life; they do not know how hard life is and how hard it is to survive sometimes. Children are honest with you because that is all they know. They do what they are taught and because parents, teachers, etc. do not want them knowing these bad things, they keep it away from them and just teach them the good in life. Children are respectful to everyone and know if they are not, then they will get in big trouble from Mommy and Daddy. Because they know they will not be able to get that lollipop later, they are good and obedient. Children are a burst of happiness with so much energy that adults dream of having. They smile even when they are surrounded by our ugly world. Children have a much stronger concept of morality because adults teach them that way. They teach them to have good morals, to know what is right and wrong. Unfortunately, adults do not follow their own rules sometimes and that is why children have a better concept of this. Adults know how mean people can be; they know that trusting people now-a-days is nearly impossible. Adults know all these bad things in life and although they put bad in the society too, they try to teach children better so that their future will be better. If adults continuously teach kids to have a good concept of morality, then one day those children will grow up and having a good concept of this will be an everyday thing.
    My mom always said to me as a child, “if you have nothing nice to say, don’t say anything at all.” I live by this quote she taught me as a child. It taught me to be respectful and to not say things to bring others down. My mom taught me the morals I have today even though she does not follow this rule sometimes. I have very high morals so it bothers me to see people who just destroy themselves by making bad choices. It is not hard to listen to your parents when they tell you to be respectful at the dinner table, to listen to your teachers or anyone who is talking to you. In life now, people are so mean to others and when you think you make friends, they just push you down to the dirt. As children grow up, their morality slowly declines. Children have the best morals simply because they are taught all the good things in life and learn to be good, studious kids. Morals are good to have and I am so happy my mom taught me them well.
