Monday, April 21, 2014

Period 11 Blog #15

Your comment post should be  at least 300 words this week due Thursday by 11:59 pm (worth 70 points) and you will be responsible for responding (respectfully) to one of your classmates in at least a one paragraph reply entries by Sunday at 11:59 pm (worth 30 points).

"We must take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented."           -   Elie Wiesel
-What do you think this quote means? How can it be related to our society and everyday things people do?

- What does this quote mean to you? Give an example from your life, Film or Literature where you have seen this idea apply. Explain using specific examples. 


  1. Elie Wiesel once said “We must take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim.Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented.” I think this quote means that in life we need to pick a side. It’s not about being in the middle because that is not how life works or anything.I don’t get why people stand in the middle about people who are against the victim. People should feel bad for those who get hurt but also learn that people get really hurt and need help to win. when the silence fills the air they know nothing good comes from it.The ones being tormented can’t help but be loud because they know now they are in trouble,so the silence breaks. So to sum of what the quote means is that you can really never win but live with the pain until things get better. You have to fight each day to get to the next and some days are better than others.
    Ii think this quote to me means that life is going to be hard but you can’t pick which days are going to be good and which are not going to be good. We have to take each day like it’s our last and make the best of it.Yes! people may wanna knock you down but get back up and show them they can’t push you. For example i am in the middle of reading A Fault in Our Stars and its about a girl named hazel that has thyroid cancer and is bad conditioning. she is only sixteen years old and she meets a boy that is head over heals for her. which her has been clear of cancer for eighteen months. now he is using his wish to take her to amsterdam to meet her favorite author because she doesn’t have that much time left. But to think about how she gets up every morning with cancer and tries to make the best of it inspires me to not complain or what side to pick or if should be quiet or loud. So i learned that you have to pick a side and to live with it because things could be way worse. Think about it ? people die every day, I wonder who fought every last second to enjoy life? If you were dying would you just give up or fight to the last second? i know i would and i wouldn’t let people push me around because i picked what i want to live and it’s only up to me.

    1. I think that Sandy's response was very good. It had a very good descriptive meaning to it. Also she had used great examples of things. Overall her description was the best part to me and I hope that it is too a lot of the others in our period 11 classroom.

    2. I think that Sandy did a great job on her response to this quote. I liked her examples. Her description was very good and so was her examples. I think overall she did a great job.

  2. Ellie Wiesel once said "We must take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented." This can translate too many things but what i mainly think abut is bullying. Bullying happens everyday and most of the time no one does anything about it. The main people that notice the bullying are the wallflowers. But they won’t do any thing about it because they might be scared that the bully may start bullying them or they just don't want people to notice them. They keep neutral, they keep to themselves. They may feel like it doesn't matter that they aren't saying anything, but what they don't realize is that in a way they are cheering on the bully. By not telling him to stop you are allowing him/her to continue. For example at the lunch table my friends were talking about my other friend badly and normally I would just smile and ignore them but one day it annoyed me so much that I finally spoke up. They are always complaining that all our generation does is judge others and that it’s not right and then they become a hypocrite and do exactly what they were just complaining about. So I said something and I don't know if they stopped talking about her but I do know that they don't do it in front of me. Therefore, I feel that Ellie has a good point with this quote, and no matter who you are weather you’re popular or a wallflower no one deserves to be bullied and you ever see it happening then just read the following quote "We must take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented” and speak up because if you don’t you are telling the bully that he/she is not doing anything wrong and there is no reason for him to stop.

    1. I am really proud of krista she actually did her blog and with the right amount of words too. :) It was really good and I like the example about bullying she used :) good job krista :)

  3. Elie Wiesel once said "We must take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented." What I think this quote means is that you should never just sit back and watch people get hurt or bullied. This could be related to our society because in our society people need to feel good about themselves and so to do this they bully people and instead of stepping in and stopping it people just ignore the scene and keep going. What this quote means to me is that more people needs to step in and stop abuse and bullying. For an example in everyday life there is domestic abuse even in public, according to a show called "What would you do" when a public display of domestic abuse happens about 20-30 out of 1000 people stop to help and help the "women in need." These numbers should be higher but unfortunately in today's society people apparently don't give a damn. An example of this from my life is when my friend was being bullied by some people I stepped in out of concern for him. They soon stopped bullying him and were suspended for a week or so. This can also be done for just random strangers too. Even if it is the most perfect of strangers you should still try and help them, save them from the abuse of others. The moral of this is that instead of walking by not saying anything when there is trouble, you should step in and stop it. Neutrality does help the oppressor and silence does encourage the tormentor to torment even more. If you are going to choose sides you should choose the side of the tormented and stop bullies and tormentors from harming other people and your friends.

    1. I agree with Alex on everything he wrote. People shouldn't sit back and watch people get hurt or tormented. People do need to take a stand and stop whatever the issue is. A lot of people just don't care anymore and that is wrong. This is a very well-written response.

  4. Elie Wiesel once said “We must take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented.” I believe this quote means that in our life at some point we will need to pick sides instead of being put in the middle. Being in the middle for someone else's argument never turns out good. Therefor, I believe when people go in the middle of someone's fight it's because they like drama. But picking a side or staying out of it is the key. I also believe this quote means the you never want to be the victim as in the person being picked on but you also don't ever want to be the person that picks on someone. In conclusion you want to be nice but not afraid of what people think of you. So to finally sum up what the quote said, I believe it means that as long as your being yourself things should be okay. And if you are feeling pain and disappointed about yourself you have to help yourself before you decide to help others. This quote relates to me in so many ways and all in different equations. But one specific event that relates to the quote is when I was getting in a lot of fights with my so called friends. But this wasn't 2 or even 3 fights, it was a bunch of them that a 12 year old shouldn't have to deal with. Anyways I hated tormenting them because I would feel weird and know it was wrong. But when I didn't defend myself I was a victim. I hated being in fights all the time and a different one every week. So instead of fighting back I just tried ignoring them. Not being the tormentor or the victim nor being in the middle. I just kept to myself and stayed around the people that were my real friends. And that is maybe one of the best decision I had ever made because you don't need people in your life that is going o make your life complicated but joyful and happy.

    1. I think Melissa did a very good job. I like how she describes the quote and tells what she think it means. she really gets in to what she thinks it means and I love how she felt about it. all in all Melissa did a very good good.

    2. i think melissa did a good job, she explained everything very clearly. amd she had great points in her writing.

  5. "We must take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented." This quote is by Elie Wiesel. I think that this quote means that if people don’t take sides on an issue, the person causing this issue will win. If people don’t take sides, nothing will be solved. If people don’t stand up for what they believe in, nothing will change! People need to take a stand on the major issues in the world we have today. For example, pollution. There are many people out there that are fighting to keep oceans, rivers, and lakes clean. There are other people who just stay neutral in this situation and litter but also recycle. This doesn’t help at all! Pollution is a major issue and that’s why we can’t swim in the lagoons. All the jellyfish are attracted to something in lawn fertilizer. A lot of people who live on the water use fertilizers and it gets washed into the lagoons. A lot of people don’t realize this. An example can be seen in our history. WWII lasted for 6 years. A lot of countries didn’t take sides on the war. Hitler got his way because of this. If a lot of countries saw how wrong this was, it would’ve ended quicker. If countries weren’t neutral in the war, we would’ve been able to end the extermination of the Jews quicker. If people are faced with a difficulty in their lives, they need to take a side. Being neutral just enforces the oppressor. Everyone needs to pick a side in the ongoing issues. Some people think things are right and wrong. If people stay neutral but disagree with the problem, then how is that helping to stop anything. People need to fight for what they believe in. Staying neutral doesn’t help the problem, it enforces it.

  6. Elie Wiesel once said "We must take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented." What I think that this quote means is that that we must take sides on either the positive side or the negative side. Though if we pick the negative side then it helps the bad people instead of the good ones. What I also think that this quote means is that if we don't take sides then negativity will still also be there and help the bad people. This quote can be related to our society in a court room. This is because if the oppressor does not tell the truth it does not help the victim who knows what really happened. It can also relate to what people do because it is like a brother not telling the truth and blaming it on the other brother or sister. This would then cause the other brother or sister to be in a bad situation that they did not even do. What this quote means to me is that if some one is silent and doesn't ever say anything they will not be helping themselves they will be only helping the tormentor. What I also think that it means is that if someone one doesn't tell the tormentor on what they want to know it makes them more encouraged to hurt the tormented. This can relate to a lot of movies but most of all is the film called "Taken". This is where a man's daughter is kidnapped and now he trying to find her. Though in one part he finds one of the men that had taken her. So he straps him to a chair and electrifies him every time he is silent and will not tell where his daughter is. So this makes the man more encouraged to hurt the other man. This is what I think that these two parted quotes, meanings are and how they can relate to society, what people do, and a certain kind of movie film today.

    1. I think Nick did a great job with this weeks blog report. I like that he explains the quote really well. Love how he showed examples of the taken movie and how the guy's daughter is kidnapped. It really explains how the quote can mean a lot of things besides of the holocaust. Overall i think he did a great job explaining this quote and it really helped me understand what this quote means.

  7. Elie Wiesel once said "We must take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented." I think that this quote means we have to choose a side we are going to be on. If we are for both sides it just makes things worse for the loser of whatever it was. It can be related to society because when your two friends are fighting you feel like you shouldn't pick a side but you should so at least you have one of your friends still and then the other will eventually become friends with you again. This quote realates to me because I have these two friends jenna and xana and when they got In a fight they expected me to decide between them both and I couldn't decide so I didn't and then they both got really mad at me. Then we were in a fight for like a whole two weeks.

  8. Elie Wiesel once said "We must take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented." These are wise words that were said by a wise man. This quote had actually won Elie Wiesel the nobel prize speech in Ohio. It can give so many people inspiration to their lives and what they do. What I think Elie meant by this is that you need to stand up for who you are and what you do. If you don’t, you will never really achieve what you stand for. They will still put you down no matter what you do if you are neutral or you do nothing. If someone torments you, for example, if you are being bullied. If you are being bullied, you can’t let someone put you down and you just not do anything about it. The bully will feel like he can do it all he wants and never stop, until you do something. If you stand up for yourself, one thing leads to another and the bully will stop. This quote relates to the holocaust and how the tormentors, the Nazis, were overruling the jews and putting them into camps. But, a lot of people stepped up and took over the Nazi forces and all of their camps. The jewish who were not killed were saved from the friendly forces. The people who were being treated horribly stood up for themselves and it got them so far in their goals and where they are today. All because they showed what they were capable of and stood up for not only themselves, but for what is right. The quote gives a lot of inspiration to a lot of people, and it goes to show that standing up for yourself can really make a difference.

  9. “We must take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented.” I think this quote means that, in life we have to choose a side. We can't just be in the middle. Life is about making choices and leaning from the them. When you let silence fill up in the air the tormenter feels the need to torment the tormented because the people in the middle won't stand up for the tormented. They kind of just sit there and watch the person get hurt. This quote can be related to society because, often times in life someone gets stuck in the middle of something and instead of helping out the situation they just stand there and view the situation instead of acting. To me this quote means that instead of just instead of being in the middle of something and being a bystander, actually do something and help out instead of watching someone get hurt. In a movie i once watched there was a couple of teenage girls picking on a girl. Her friend didn't want to get picked on so she just stood in the middle and didn't stand up for her friend. She just stood there and watched her get hurt and didn't do anything about it.

    1. I agree with Elena's comment. She explains this quote perfectly and straight to the point. Her example of this quote in society is exactly what happens in life. I love how she used an example from a movie she watched. Relating a quote to yourself and another source always is a good thing and shows the reader you understand what you are talking about and what the quote means. Good job Elena.
